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Welcome! This page has been created for the younger crowd. Please take a look at the posts and watch the videos that have been (mostly) written and created by orthodox Christians about your age. We also have other youth-related information that may appear here (such as the NEXUS program).

If you are  interested in someday going to seminary, you may also want to check our Seminarians page. If you’d like to see all of Lutheran CORE’s videos, click here.

A PDF  link for a list of resources for youth and young adults can be found here.  These books cover such topics as the reliability of the Bible, an explanation of the Christian faith as understood by Lutherans, the life of Martin Luther, and how to discern God’s call for your life. The same list can also be found (in non-PDF form) as a post below.

The button on the left below is simply Lutheran CORE’s email address. The button on the right takes you to our full Contact Us page.

Videos by our young adults!

This is a video about NEXUS 2021 created by Ethan Zimmerman and Luke Ratke.


This is a video book review by Ethan Zimmerman. He reviews the book “Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther” by Roland Bainton.


This is a video book review by Ethan Zimmerman. He reviews the book The Lutheran Pastor (by George Henry Gerberding).


Posts by or for our young adults!

A Father’s Wise Instruction

| Newsletter Article, Young Timothy | No Comments
Do you worry if your children will be wise when they go off to live in this corrupted world? Have you given them the foundation they need?  Jesus said our world…

Prevailing Against the Gates

| Newsletter Article, Resources, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
“Alderaan? I'm not going to Alderaan. I've got to get home. It's late. I'm in for it as it is.” Name that movie.  Name that scene.  Anyone with even a…

Severed Foot Faith?

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
Choices, choices and AdChoices. Our hyper-consumer culture overwhelms us with all the choices we can make to please our whims. For all the hyper-individually focused advertising that is pushed at…

“Here Am I. Send Me!”

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
Of all the voices in the world calling you to be this or do that with your life, how will you discern God’s call? While God calls persons into full…

Dead Faith

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
Don’t play with dead fish! Mom said don’t bring it home thinking we’ll eat it! A dead fish is useless and worthless. What are we to do with dead faith?…

Pockets of Hope

| Newsletter Article, Young Timothy | No Comments
When I think of Baltimore, I often think of my early childhood home with a large magnolia tree in the front yard and a tall, hemlock pine in the back,…

You Do-I Watch: A Hard Lesson in Fully Releasing the Next Generation into Mission

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
Editor's note: River’s Edge Ministry (REM), located in Mt. Airy, MD, traveled to Pine Island, FL in January as part of Cross Country Mission (CCM) 2023. Pine Island was devastated…

Resisting God’s Call

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
When God calls a person to a specific task or ministry, resistance is often the first response of the called. Jeremiah claimed that he was too young. Gideon feared he…

The Awaken Project Offers a Gap Year Program

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
Introduction by Dennis D. Nelson: In this issue we will be featuring The Awaken Project (TAP), a nonprofit organization housed on the campus of Mount Carmel Ministries in Alexandria, Minnesota.…

The Potency of Missional Engagement

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
Dear Friends— A most happy and blessed New Year to you and yours. No doubt, many of us reading this article can readily receive such a greeting; but, for some,…

Introducing Faith GreenHouse

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
Pr. Dave Wollan More than an internship, a community for leadership formation! Faith Lutheran Church, in Hutchinson, MN, is excited to be launching a new initiative to address the need…

The Need for More Lay-led Lutheran Congregations

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | 2 Comments
It has, for decades, been an incredibly unfair reality faced by smaller rural and inner-city congregations.  In a denomination that has traditionally insisted that viable, healthy congregations must be led…

Better Call Saul: Discernment at Damascus

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
Pr. Jeff Morlock Ananias (not Sapphira's husband, but the other Ananias) is an obscure figure in the New Testament. He appears only twice, for a total of eight verses. Yet…

Every Samuel Needs an Eli

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It's a question that youth have been asked since they graduated kindergarten. But in high school, the question becomes a…

Does Doctrine Matter?

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | 2 Comments
Does doctrine matter?  That is a question that has been asked again and again in the Church.  Sometimes, the question is asked because doctrine seems so dry and boring.  It…

No Acceptance of Confessional Faith at My ELCA Seminary

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | 13 Comments
Note from CORE's Executive Director: Many thanks to a seminarian, who wishes to remain anonymous, for writing about what it was like to attend an ELCA seminary.  Students considering enrolling…

Igniting Renewal Through Mission

| Newsletter Article, Young Timothy | No Comments
(How ‘City Mission’ was Born, Part 2) Editor’s Note: K. Craig Moorman is an NALC pastor of River’s Edge Ministries in Maryland and is a member of the board of…

A Note from a College Missionary in Italy

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
“Ciao! I’m Jackson. I’m from the United States. What’s your name?” This is the gist of how I started conversations during my time in Italy this past May and June.…

How ‘City Mission’ Was Born, Part 1: Katrina, The Unwelcomed Reformer

| Newsletter Article, Young Timothy | No Comments
Over the course of the past three decades, I have had the immense privilege of leading disaster relief efforts around the country, typically following a natural catastrophic event. Since my…

NEXUS 2022: Train Them the Way They Should Go

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | No Comments
King Solomon was blessed in many ways with the wisdom the Lord had given him. He asked for wisdom (1 Kings 3:9) and he received it. We must hastily add,…

Did Jesus Die For Our Sins?

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | 21 Comments
I am very grateful for all the people who expressed deep concern over the movement I described in my April letter from the director to “cancel” the Gospel of John…

One Way to Reach Our Youth

| Newsletter Article, Young Timothy | No Comments
Have you ever wondered what good it does to “like” something you read on social media? Lutheran CORE mostly posts information, such as newsletter articles, devotions, and prayers, while others…

The Lord’s Prayer at HerChurch

| Other Communications, Seminarians, Young Timothy | 4 Comments
A friend of Lutheran CORE has written a side-by-side, phrase-by-phrase comparison of every phrase in the Lord’s Prayer as used by Ebenezer HerChurch with the version of the Lord’s Prayer as translated…

How Did It Happen? The ELCA and Community Organizing – Part One

| Newsletter Article, Seminarians, Young Timothy | 10 Comments
Introduction A question I am often asked by people is this – How did it happen?  How did LGBTQ+ values, priorities, and agenda completely take over the ELCA, and so…

Video Book Review – “Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther”

| Newsletter Article, Young Timothy | No Comments
Lutheran CORE continues to provide monthly video reviews of books of interest and importance.  Many thanks to Ethan Zimmerman for doing this month’s video review of Roland Bainton’s classic, “Here…

NEXUS: One Theology Institute, Two Mentors’ Perspectives, and a Triune God

| Newsletter Article, Young Timothy | No Comments
by Ethan Zimmerman and Luke Ratke Executive Director's Note: Many thanks to Ethan Zimmerman and Luke Ratke for telling us about their experiences at NEXUS this past summer.  Ethan and…

Resources for Youth and Young Adults – June 5, 2021

| Young Timothy | No Comments
Ashman, Scott. Who Am I?  Exploring Your Identity Through Your Vocations Who am I? What is my purpose in life? How should I live? This book invites you to explore…

Spring Devotional

| Newsletter Article, Young Timothy | No Comments
Editor's Note: This piece was written by a Luther Seminary student earlier this spring. I can't tell you what spring is like in places beyond the Midwest — I’m sure…

Pray for Kanye

| Newsletter Article, Young Timothy | No Comments
Editor’s Note: Ethan Zimmerman is a junior at Ohio Northern University where he heard the call to become a pastor. He plans to attend seminary after graduation. His grandfather, the…

Our Thursday Night Group: The Lord Can Do This Anywhere

| Newsletter Article, Young Timothy | 2 Comments
Editor's Note: Jacob Moorman is a student and a tax preparer with plans to attend seminary after graduation. This is his second article for CORE. Click here to read his…

This Crisis Calls for Unity in Christ

| Newsletter Article, Young Timothy | 5 Comments
Editor’s Note: Jacob Moorman is 22 years old and hails from Mt. Airy, MD. Jacob is finishing a business management degree and plans to attend seminary. He is a member…